OC Maintenance

Event Coordinator 

Greg Hill
Operations Manager
Mount Pleasant Waterworks

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Event Vice Coordinator 

Lee Heath 
Support Services Manager
HRSD, Virginia


2025 Maintenance Event Procedure *NEW

Maintenance Event Tutorial
Tutorials should be used as an overall suggestion not 100% accurate

Computerized Electrical Check Sheet Training Video *NEW*

2025 Maintenance Event Judging Sheet  *COMING SOON
Event Coordinators:  Please Incorporate the penalty clarifications and pay close attention to the Q&A. The clarifications are in red text.  Also, send in a question below when setting up event.
The judging sheets are provided primarily for event coordinators and judges information only. They are not part of the procedures or the rules of the event. They are for reference only and do not govern; the event descriptions govern. They are updated periodically and are subject to change at any time, without notice. They may not be used in any form of protest or question. There may be actions that are penalties that are not explicitly listed as an example on the penalty sheet.

Vaughan FilesEquipment Information

Questions accepted up until  9/23/25.  Questions can be asked at the pre-competition meeting on Monday, September 29, in Chicago.

Do you have the option to use current Electrical Checklist or the computerized version? If you opt use the computerized version, will the clipboard still be on the set-up table?Yes1/9/25
Can any team member input the meter readings? Is it a touch screen?No. A mouse will be provided to navigate the work order. If a competition employs a laptop/computer that has touch screen capability, it needs to be communicated that it isn’t to be used or will result in a penalty infraction.1/9/25
What size and height is the laptop table? Will the table be in a taped area like the safety box for electrical checks? If so what size is the area?
  1. The table is listed on the bottom of the description (Tool List). The specifications can be found on-line.
  2. Please see the event layout on this site for placement.
  3. Yes, there will be taped areas where the wheels/legs are placed. The table can’t be moved.
Can any team member input the meter readings? Is it a touch screen?

1. Yes, any team member CAN input readings

2. No. A mouse will be provided to navigate the work order. If a competition employs a laptop/computer that has touch screen capability, it needs to be communicated that it isn’t to be used or will result in a penalty infraction.
