Message from Bill Peretti, President of RMWEA June 2024

Bill PerettiElevating Water Professionals


As we delve into this month’s issue focusing on effective utility management, it’s crucial to recognize the cornerstone of sustainable and efficient operations within our industry. One fundamental aspect of this principle is succession planning. It ensures continuity, resilience, and growth within our organizations.

Recently, the RMWEA Board convened in February for a pivotal one-day working session – our winter planning. With the participation of approximately 25 dedicated individuals, we embarked on a journey to refine our strategies and bolster our commitment to ‘Elevating Water Professionals’, as encapsulated in our vision statement.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to facilitating this productive meeting. Together, we dedicated our efforts to advancing the industry’s collective vision. Throughout the day, several key themes emerged prominently, including operator outreach, succession planning, and the imperative of engaging young professionals within our ranks and the broader RMWEA community.

In particular, I wish to express my appreciation to Muzit Kiflai from Metro Water Recovery, whose expertise and guidance lent invaluable insights to our strategic planning endeavors. Together, we underscored the pressing need for a more diverse and inclusive organizational landscape. Moreover, we emphasized the significance of integrating succession planning and fostering the active involvement of young professionals across the 25 RMWEA committees.

It is evident that our association thrives on the dedication and enthusiasm of its volunteers. As we move forward, we eagerly welcome new members into our fold, ensuring inclusivity and a steadfast commitment to our vision of ‘Elevating Water Professionals.’ Thank you for your continued support and dedication.