There are many committees in which you may participate and contribute your time in helping to preserve and enhance the local water environment. If you are interested in joining a committee, please fill out this form or contact the respective chairperson listed below.
RMWEA proudly promotes opportunities to recognize individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the water environment profession and to RMWEA. The Awards and Recognition Committee promotes and evaluates annual RMWEA awards and recognitions.
The Biosolids Committee promotes the beneficial use of biosolids through education and an annual seminar.
Collection Systems are a critical part of wastewater infrastructure. The quality of drinking water, groundwater, watersheds, public health, and the environment depends on a well-designed, constructed, and maintained collection system. This committee promotes the importance of collection systems throughout the Rocky Mountain Region by providing education, training, and resources to collection system personnel.
The primary goal of the Communications Committee is to help RMWEA communicate effectively to the membership, the public, and other outside entities. All communication aspects of RMWEA are united into one functional group to manage and streamline the distribution of information and activities, including social media, website, electronic newsletters, video production, and branding.
RMWEA offers educational grants to encourage students interested in pursuing higher education in the water environment field. The Educational Grants Committee administers two educational grants: The Bill Martin Educational Grant and the Tony Campman Educational Grant.
The Executive Committee serves as RMWEA's governing body, maintaining and updating the Association's policies and providing guidance and direction to implement the Strategic Plan and initiatives.
The Government Affairs Committee tracks pending legislation and regulations that impact the water and wastewater industry at the local, state, and national levels. Members of the committee actively participate in stakeholder meetings for various regulations, prepare regulatory updates for the membership, and participate in developing regulations and policies.
The Industrial/Pretreatment Committee promotes best practices for all individuals involved in the administration and management of Industrial Pretreatment.
Co-Chair - Carol Martinson
Co-Chair – Curtis Wood
The Innovative Water Technologies (IWT) Committee supports the evaluation, demonstration, and deployment of innovative technologies by providing a forum for collaboration among water sector partners. It serves as a link between national and international innovation in the water sector and the water industry in the Rocky Mountain Region. Learn more about the IWT Committee here!
The Lab Practices Committee promotes quality laboratory practices for all individuals involved in the administration and management of water and wastewater treatment programs. The Committee focuses on industry trends in technology, regulations, and best practices.
The Membership Committee recruits and retains RMWEA members through engagement and connection with the water sector.
The National Operations Challenge competition is held annually during the Water Environment Federation Technical Conference & Exposition (WEFTEC). The Operations Challenge Committee sponsors and supports team participation in the national competition and establishes guidelines related to team selection, training, and budget requirements. Visit the Operations Challenge page for more info.
The Operator Outreach Committee is committed to promoting operator involvement in RMWEA and the industry. The Committee participates in utility visits, conducts presentations, and works to involve operators at all levels in the industry they lead.
Chair - John Wright
RMWEA hosts an annual Operator Training School in Leadville, CO for Water, Wastewater, and Collection/Distribution System Operators. The Committee plans the Operator Training Schools, including logistics, curriculum, and event lodging/meals. Interested in attending an upcoming training school, learn more here.
The Professional Water Operator (PWO) Committee plans, coordinates, and executes training opportunities for water and wastewater professionals across the region. PWO seminars provide training units necessary for operators to renew their professional operator licenses, and are a fun way to engage with other water professionals in an educational setting. Explore upcoming PWOs here.
The Public Education and Outreach Committee provides information to the general public to inform and educate concerned citizens on water and wastewater processes, reuse, and the water cycle.
The Rocky Mountain Water Conference Committee supports and plans the RMWEA’s annual conference by managing event logistics, presentation selection, event marketing, and more. Explore the conference page here.
The Safety and Security Committee promotes safe and secure working practices within the water & wastewater industries and equips RMWEA members to make informed decisions to protect the people and the environment we serve.
The Student Chapters Committee is focused on helping college and university students transition into the water and wastewater industry. There are currently eight universities in the rocky mountain region that host networking events, tours, and an annual Student Conference.
The primary goal of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) is to promote the exchange of water and wastewater-related technical information among industry professionals and to provide networking opportunities. This goal is accomplished through presentations, luncheons, and tours held throughout each year.
UMC was formed to equip existing and emerging leaders in the utility industry with the knowledge, expertise, and strategies that keep a utility running smoothly.
Water For People, a Denver-based international non-profit, promotes the development of high-quality drinking water and sanitation services around the world and provides opportunities for water professionals who seek work in the global water crisis. The RMWEA Water For People Committee helps raise awareness and funds for Water For People through educational outreach, collaboration, and events including ThirstyFest, a completely volunteer-led beer festival in which all net proceeds from the festival benefit Water For People.
The RMWEA and Rocky Mountain Section of the American Water Works Association (RMSAWWA) Joint Water Reuse Committee advocates for the safe use of reclaimed water in the Rocky Mountain region. This is achieved through local workshops, participation in local and national conferences, regular meetings, and educational materials. The Committee members represent water and wastewater utilities, consultants, legal representatives, reclaimed water users, and regulators.
The Young Professionals (YP) Committee empowers a new generation of water and wastewater professionals while upholding the values of WEF. The YP Committee provides meaningful opportunities for career growth, fosters networking, helps members gain access to industry and educational resources, and promotes a welcoming and enjoyable environment for all members.